tattoo machine parts
Tattoo machine parts left in the Milton Zeis/ The Zeis Studio collection.

Milton Zeis sold tattoo machines across the world through The Zeis Studio.
These are the remaining parts to tattoo machines once sold by Milton Zeis and The Zeis Studio. More parts will be added at a later time.
If you have any additional information regarding the tattoo machine parts, what they are called or used for please let me know!
Thank you!
screws for binding

binding posts

Side of Rheostat box
Rheostat – Potentiometer Ohmite MFG. CO. Skokie, Ill. Pat. Nos. 2040278 RE 19607 A NO. AM. Philips Co. Ohmite MFG.CO. 1978 D-96911
Other side of rheostat box
When a non-turn washer is provided on the rheostat it can be installed as shown on the drawing above. The purpose of the non-turn washer is to prevent the turning of the rheostat on the panel.
Foot Switch
silver contact points


cords for foot pedal

Ends for clip cords?
Unsure exactly what these were for, but our guess are ends for clip cords.

fiber spring

Switch board plate
for a tattooing power supply.

Used for making patterns?
If you know more please let me know.

plastic bottles
2 3/8″ tall by 1″ in diameter
3 1/2″ tall by 2″ in diameter

Liner tubes

Tubes, #2

coil washers

Washer Under Coils

8-32 x 1/2 screws

armature bars

1 pc. springs – Doc’s

Other Silver points

#12 Tattoo sharps – tattoo machine needles

If you know what this is for please let me know. Not for sale.